Best Teeth Scaling in Bangalore.
What is Scaling?
Dental health is an important part of your general health. Whatever your age, you can and should have healthy teeth. Correct dental care can help you keep your teeth healthy for a lifetime. Scaling is one such procedure that keeps your gums healthy and firm. It is a procedure used to remove infected deposits like plaque, calculus, and stains from the tooth surfaces. Such deposits, if not removed by scaling, cause infection and loosening of the gums, ultimately leading to pyorrhea and tooth loss. Scaling is a safe and routine procedure and does not damage the tooth surface in any way. It must be done by a dental procedure.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
Periodontitis, or gum disease, affects nearly half of all adults. Fortunately, Pearl Dental clinic in Indiranagar has a two-step plan in place: scaling and root planning.
Gum disease is the inflammation of the tissue around your gum that affects your teeth and the bones surrounding your teeth.
“If you don’t brush and floss teeth daily, food particles can remain in your mouth, promoting bacterial growth between teeth, around the gums, and on the tongue,” states WebMD.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
As it is known to all that dental plaque is the main/primary causative agent of periodontal disease. If left uncleaned over time, it leads to the accumulation of harder deposits called calculus around and below the teeth or gums and devastates one’s oral health condition. In order to attain oral health free of disease-causing bacteria, a careful and precise dental cleaning is mandatory.
The goal of Dental cleaning or non-surgical periodontal therapy indicates maintenance of good oral health via removal of the calculus and plaque from your teeth with no damage to the roots of teeth.
The procedure is relatively painless, accomplished with the use of an ultrasonic scaler. There was a time when scaling was performed accompanied by manual dental instruments, but in the last decades with its fast and efficacious use, the ultrasonic scaler has surpassed the use of traditional dental cleaning.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
Symptoms of gum disease include:
· Bad breath that won’t go away
· Red or swollen gums
· Tender or bleeding gums
· Painful chewing
· Loose teeth
· Sensitive teeth
· Receding gums or longer appearing teeth
Why do teeth require special cleaning?
Our mouth is full of bacteria, bacteria constantly leads to the formation of colorless plaque over the teeth surface. Plaque that could not be removed hardens to form bacteria-harboring tartar or calculus. As calculus forms between the tooth and gum tissue get detached from the tooth and lead to the formation of a pocket (pathological deepening of gingival sulcus) full of proliferating bacteria.
Plaque and calculus spread and grow below the gum line breaking down bone and connective tissue. Scaling and root planing is the recommended treatment for treating periodontal disease.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
Without treatment, damaged root surfaces will continue to harbor plaque and calculus build-up. The plaque releases toxic waste products and calculus build up. The plaque releases toxic waste products which provoke a destructive response from your body such as inflammation and bone resorption. It can result in irreversible loss of bone support around your teeth. As pockets become deeper, damage occurs more rapidly due to the inability to clean these areas. Tooth mobility, tooth loss, abscesses may occur if left untreated.
Scaling and root planing may be recommended as the first step in actively controlling your periodontal disease. It comprises a very thorough cleaning and smoothing of all the surfaces of the tooth and root to remove plaque and calculus below the gum line to the bottom of the pocket.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
Teeth scaling cost
Root surfaces are rough due to deposits of plaque and calculus build-up that are attached to your root surfaces. The roughness harbors plaque and bacteria which is irritating to the gums causing inflammation.
With smooth root surfaces, supporting tissues can then re-attach to the tooth surface or at least decrease the inflammation encouraging a healthier pocket.
“While everyone experiences plaque and bacteria buildup on their teeth, left unchecked, the bacteria that live in the plaque will eventually cause gum disease, having your teeth cleaned regularly isn’t just about appearances. It’s about your health,” said Dr. Mitali Purohit on teeth scaling in Bangalore our head dentist at Pearl Dental clinic Indiranagar.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
When a person has gum disease, the tissue loosens, enabling plaque to fill in pockets below the gum. If pockets reach 4 mm or more, your dentist may recommend dental scaling to carefully remove plaque from below the gumline.
“If gum disease is caught early and hasn’t damaged the structures below the gum line, a professional cleaning should do. If the pockets between your gums and teeth are too deep, however, scaling and root planing may be needed.”
Scaling and root planning sounds like a dangerous outdoor activity for adventurous thrill-seekers. In reality, scaling and root planning is a deep cleaning measure that helps fight back against gum disease. This is a nonsurgical procedure to treat your teeth and gums against plaque, bacteria, and tartar deposits.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
Why should I consider this procedure?
Periodontitis causes sensitive, inflamed gums that often bleed and cause bad breath. Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath — not just the kind of bad breath that comes from eating garlic or anchovies but the kind of bad breath that is an indication of disease and decay.
Scaling and root planing is the best solution when regular cleaning cannot remove plaque trapped in deep gum pockets. Left untreated, gum disease leads to tooth and bone loss. Seeking treatment early on means you will have a much higher rate of tooth survival.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
Teeth Scaling cost in bangalore
When do you need to undergo the procedure?
Your dentist will recommend teeth scaling and root planning if your mouth has signs of chronic periodontal disease. These procedures can help stop the harmful effects of this condition and keep your mouth healthy.
Chronic periodontal disease occurs when the bacteria in plaque cause your gums to pull away from your teeth. This causes large pockets to grow between your teeth and gums, and more bacteria can grow there that you cannot reach with teeth brushing at home.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
How long does the procedure take?
To fully remove all plaque, bacteria, and tartar from your teeth and root surfaces, scaling and root planing usually takes more than one appointment to complete. Depending on your treatment plan, a moderate case may take one appointment, but most treatments divide the affected areas into sections per appointment.
At Dr. Mitali’s Pearl dental clinic our goal is to make each part of the procedure efficient and effective for our patients. “We want to address the health concerns caused by gum disease as well as keep our patients comfortable.”
We require follow-ups to ensure that the gums are becoming firm and pink again and that bleeding is reduced or completely gone. Severe cases of periodontitis may require surgical intervention, but the good news is that scaling and root planning will lessen the amount of surgery if ultimately needed.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
What does ultrasonic scaler do?
With the advancement in dental practice, dental hygiene goals have evolved too. The use of ultrasonic scaler with its high vibrational energy effectively disrupts plaque bio-films, calculus, and bacterial deposits from beneath or above the teeth along with the therapeutic flushing of periodontal pocket with cooling water or anti-microbial irrigant. This favorable advancement effectively removes the deposits supra (above) and subgingivally (beneath the gums) and actively encourages healing.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
Advantages of Ultrasonic scaling over manual scaling.
Certainly, an ultrasonic scaler is relatively more time-efficient and specially designed tips make it possible to deeply penetrate the periodontal pockets and clean them effectively without letting the clinician apply more force.
The handpiece incorporated with LED increases the accessibility in the hard-to-reach areas.
The ultrasonic scaler is highly effective in disrupting the hard deposits from and within the root surfaces making them helpful for patients who require frequent maintenance.
Anti-microbial rinse or saline provides irrigation which flushes out the bacteria and improves healing.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
Will it hurt?
If you’ve attended regular dental cleanings, your dental hygienist has already been scaling your teeth and gumline regularly to remove plaque and tartar. For this procedure, however, dental hygienists often administer an anesthetic to minimize any discomfort since it is a deeper, more extensive type of cleaning that goes below the gum line.
“After a deep cleaning, you may have pain for a day or two and teeth sensitivity for up to a week, Your gums also may be swollen, feel tender, and bleed. To prevent infection, control pain, or help you heal, your dentist may prescribe a pill or mouth rinse. Our dentist may also insert medication (subantimicrobial-dose doxycycline) directly into the pock that was cleaned.”
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
After recovery:
· Replace your toothbrushes.
· Avoid smoking.
· Eat a healthy and balanced diet (soft foods are advised for a few days).
· properly brush, floss, and use mouthwash, as recommended.
· Visit us at Your Community Dental for routine checkups.
We will schedule a follow-up visit after your procedure to evaluate how your gums have healed and measure pocket depth. These findings will allow us to determine what course of treatment should follow.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
Deep cleaning in bangalore
How Deep Cleaning from Scaling and Planing Can Improve Your Dental Health. Teeth scaling in Bangalore.
Our dental professional always checks your gum health during cleaning and will measure pockets around each tooth and may take an x-ray to look for bone loss. Healthy gums attach to the tooth 1 to 3 mm below the gum line and the tissue fits tightly around your teeth, preventing plaque from residing below your gums.
“While everyone experiences plaque and bacteria buildup on their teeth, left unchecked, the bacteria that live in the plaque will eventually cause gum disease, having your teeth cleaned regularly isn’t just about appearances. It’s about your health,” said Dr. Mitali Purohit our head dentist at Pearl Dental clinic Indiranagar.
When a person has gum disease, the tissue loosens, enabling plaque to fill in pockets below the gum. If pockets reach 4 mm or more, your dentist may recommend dental scaling to carefully remove plaque from below the gumline.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
“If gum disease is caught early and hasn’t damaged the structures below the gum line, a professional cleaning should do. If the pockets between your gums and teeth are too deep, however, scaling and root planing may be needed.”
Scaling and root planning sounds like a dangerous outdoor activity for adventurous thrill-seekers. In reality, scaling and root planning is a deep cleaning measure that helps fight back against gum disease. This is a nonsurgical procedure to treat your teeth and gums against plaque, bacteria, and tartar deposits.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
What are scaling and root planning?
The scaling process targets the area below the gum line and along the roots using an ultrasonic scaling device and/or manual instruments to remove plaque and tartar. Scaling can also involve delivering an antimicrobial agent into the pocket to treat and reduce bacteria.
Next, root planing goes deeper to remove cementum and surface denting, smoothing out affected root areas in order to decrease gum tissue inflammation and allow your gums to reattach to your teeth. A properly planed root surface helps fight against bacteria, tartar, and plaque while also promoting healing.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic in Indiranagar at 9632496064.
Why should I consider this procedure?
Periodontitis causes sensitive, inflamed gums that often bleed and cause bad breath. Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath — not just the kind of bad breath that comes from eating garlic or anchovies but the kind of bad breath that is an indication of disease and decay.
Scaling and root planing is the best solution when regular cleaning cannot remove plaque trapped in deep gum pockets. Left untreated, gum disease leads to tooth and bone loss. Seeking treatment early on means you will have a much higher rate of tooth-survival.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
When do you need to undergo the procedure?
Your dentist will recommend teeth scaling and root planning if your mouth has signs of chronic periodontal disease. These procedures can help stop the harmful effects of this condition and keep your mouth healthy.
Chronic periodontal disease occurs when the bacteria in plaque cause your gums to pull away from your teeth. This causes large pockets to grow between your teeth and gums, and more bacteria can grow there that you cannot reach with teeth brushing at home.
How long does the procedure take?
To fully remove all plaque, bacteria, and tartar from your teeth and root surfaces, scaling and root planing usually takes more than one appointment to complete. Depending on your treatment plan, a moderate case may take one appointment, but most treatments divide the affected areas into sections per appointment.
At Dr. Mitali’s Pearl dental clinic our goal is to make each part of the procedure efficient and effective for our patients. “We want to address the health concerns caused by gum disease as well as keep our patients comfortable.”
We require follow-ups to ensure that the gums are becoming firm and pink again and that bleeding is reduced or completely gone. Severe cases of periodontitis may require surgical intervention, but the good news is that scaling and root planing will lessen the amount of surgery if ultimately needed.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
The team at Dr Mitali’s Pearl Dental clinic is happy to talk to you about your concerns regarding pain and options for anaesthetics during the procedure as well as how to proper aftercare can reduce pain and sensitivity. Taking an over-the-counter painkiller and eating a diet of soft food for a few days typically is enough to address any post-procedure pain.
Is there anything I need to tell my dentist?
If you have a compromised immune system and are at increased risk for infection due to complications such as heart disease, liver disease, or HIV, be sure to discuss your entire health history with your dentist. Have you ever had a dentist ask if it has been recommended for you to take antibiotics before dental procedures? Certain procedures that dislodge dental bacteria from the mouth may introduce that bacteria to your bloodstream. Pre-treatment with antibiotics may be advised.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
Also, note that certain factors increase the risk for periodontal disease:
· Smoking
· Diabetes
· Poor oral hygiene
· Stress
· Heredity
· Crooked teeth
· Underlying immuno-deficiencies
· Fillings that have become defective
· Taking medications that cause dry mouth
· Bridges that no longer fit properly
· Female hormonal changes, such as with pregnancy or the use of oral contraceptives
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic in Indiranagar at 9632496064.
A word about smoking — according to the Centres for Disease Control, smokers have twice the risk for gum disease compared to nonsmokers; the more cigarettes you smoke, the greater your risk for gum disease; the longer you smoke, the greater your risk for gum disease; treatments for gum disease may not work as well for people who smoke; tobacco use (cigarettes, pipes, smokeless tobacco) in any form raises your risk for gum disease.
After-Procedure Maintenance:
Scaling and root planning success greatly depends on continued patient aftercare. Recovery can take a few days, during which time you may experience sensitivity.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic in Indiranagar at 9632496064.
We will schedule a follow-up visit after your procedure to evaluate how your gums have healed and measure pocket depth. These findings will allow us to determine what course of treatment should follow.
Our team at Dr. Mitali’s Pearl Dental Clinic recommends scaling and root planning, don’t hesitate to book an appointment now. We ensure that the result is going to be fresher, happier, healthier.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
For more information or to make an appointment today for teeth scaling in bangalore, you can visit our dental clinic in Indiranagar, Dr Mitali’s Pearl dental clinic for teeth scaling in Bangalore.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
Teeth cleaning cost in bangalore:
Deep teeth scaling would cost from Rs 1200 to Rs 3500 depending on the current condition of the teeth.
For teeth scaling in Bangalore, you can call pearl dental clinic Indiranagar at 9632496064.
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